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Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Spanish to English Translator

Pronunciation /?f?t??/

Translate fetish into Spanish

1 a kind of sexual interest by which satisfaction is connected up to an irregular level to a specific item, product of clothing, area of the human body, etc.

  • ‘a foot fetish’
  • ‘At times, clients visited the groups looking for satisfaction of particular fetishes like the want to communicate with a woman that is dominant to see general general public humiliation or discomfort. ’
  • ‘i really couldn't care less about their consensual, adult sexual fetishes. ’
  • ‘No, we are talking about that twilight realm of strange fetishes and intimate techniques. ’
  • ‘ right listed here are responses to your concerns about attraction, sex, mindcontrol, base fetishes and much more. ’
  • ‘Necrophile attractions - in keeping along with other paraphilic intimate fetishes - have a tendency to manifest while very young. ’
  • ‘Erogenous areas must be distinguished from intimate fetishes. ’
  • ‘In this remake of Frank Capra's Mr. Deeds visits Town, Adam Sandler's inheritance includes John Turturro being a butler having a fetish for males's legs. ’
  • ‘She quickly learns of a society that is underground of addicts, led by Knoxville, who'll take a look at nothing to satisfy their different sexual dreams and fetishes. ’
  • ‘In the period, we have taken a glance at an array that is wide of fetishes including the unnerving to the truly horrifying to your baffling.

  • ‘He noted that intimate fetishes, regardless of how strange they could appear, had been a manifestation of your individuality. ’
  • ‘Do you need to know a tick-list of these intimate fetishes? ’
  • ‘As you can view, there's absolutely no reference to intimate fetishes or dreams of any sort. ’
  • ‘His bondage art usually catches that precise visual we formerly described, that I start thinking about almost a fetish in as well as itself. ’
  1. 1.1 an exorbitant and irrational devotion or dedication to a specific thing.
  • ‘i usually possessed a fetish for coconut and lamingtons had been covered with coconut…’
  • ‘It seemed as though she possessed a fetish for little Manila files. ’
  • ‘A billionaire who'd a fetish for huge structures and computerized workplaces wasn't prone to do much meditation. ’
  • ‘She had a fetish for fixing things up if they did not look appropriate. ’
  • ‘I'd a fetish for basketball till 8th grade, and had been the very best woman into the college at it. ’
  • ‘The nation-head must work out care prior to making individual nutritional fetishes into what become governmental statements. ’
  • ‘First down, certainly one of my favourite movie fetishes is going back, big style. ’
  • ‘The writer features a fetish for war-machines, ideally antique people, therefore the guide is created entirely to increase their pleasure. ’
  • ‘The Prime Minister, whom appears to create a fetish of showing that energy is certainly not incompatible with panache, is (or more their spokesman states) a Stones fan. ’
  • ‘Everyone walks in darkness, with practices which have become fetishes. ’
  • ‘About the full time we must have been dealing with grownup obligations we made a fetish of resisting the Establishment. ’

2 An inanimate item worshipped because of its expected magical abilities or since it is regarded as being inhabited with a nature.

  • ‘When his mother offered him to white guys, she told him to thank and worship the fetishes, items thought to have magical capabilities by ancient individuals, him pleased. Simply because they will make’
  • ‘Do we feel the thing that relics, totems, and fetishes are designed to make individuals feel? ’
  • ‘A renegade missionary is savagely changed into the worship of a tribal fetish. ’
  • ‘Once the duty is finished the nature renders the fetish plus it becomes a regular item once more. ’
  • ‘The 32 photographs in this show ranged from pictures of individuals when you look at the Haitian Carnival to priests, priestesses, and spiritual fetishes and shrines in Brazil and Nigeria. ’
  • ‘He taught what the law states of Moses and spoke against sorcery, fetishes, charms, and polygamy (having one or more partner at exactly the same time). ’
  • ‘Charms, talismans, fetishes, pictures, what-have-you - small things that we wear or keep or carry within my pocket that I am able to hook up to someone or a location or a period during my life. ’
  • ‘consistent with their sense that Zuni life ended up being timeless prior to the advent of Whites, their shows dehistoricized the masks, fetishes, as well as other items they included. ’
  • ‘One of their brothers ran down with their spouse and their fetishes (objects thought to have powers that are magical their individuals worshipped). ’
  • ‘Eventually we discovered I happened to be building a charm or fetish attached to one of many gods I experienced been currently talking about. ’
  • ‘But you might consider some solution that is long-term does not revolve around an outside fetish object such as for instance a crystal or talisman. ’


Early seventeenth century (originally denoting an item utilized by the individuals of western Africa as an amulet or charm): from French fetiche, from Portuguese feitico ‘charm, sorcery’ (originally an adjective meaning ‘made by art’), from Latin facticius (see factitious).