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Way too many dudes: Amazon’s growth is ruining Seattle’s dating scene, claims guy that is single

By Todd Bishop may 12, 2014 at 2:38 May that is pm 13 2014 at 12:46 pm

The dating scene can be hard sufficient under normal circumstances, but things are extremely tough for right guys in Seattle today — and Amazon’s development is leading to the situation.

That’s the contention of Jeff Reifman, a veteran for the Seattle-area tech community whom makes his instance in this website post, pairing census information with quotes of Amazon’s growth in the town.

Amazon’s workforce is 75 % male, based on That’s constant because of the sex ratio at Microsoft along with other technology businesses, too. The real difference is that Amazon happens to be expanding quickly in Seattle, now using almost 25,000 individuals within the populous city, up from 5,000 this season, by Reifman’s quotes.

By the conclusion of 2014, Reifman jobs, you will see 130 men that are single Seattle for each 100 single ladies — up from a ratio of 119 solitary guys to 100 solitary ladies in April 2010.

So just how performs this manifest it self? Reifman describes just exactly what he has encountered …

In the last 2 yrs, I’ve physically discovered dating in Seattle has grown to become increasingly hard. Read more