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I experienced non-safe sex – what must I do?

Let’s face it, unsafe sex sometimes happens despite having the greatest motives. Sometimes it is hard to know very well what to complete after non-safe sex, however it doesn’t need to be a disaster – there are lots of methods for you to protect your self against unwelcome maternity additionally the growth of intimately sent infections.

Our Online physician solution can help you discreetly and remotely utilizing the following solutions:

A Gu The important thing is never to stick the head into the sand and imagine nothing’s happened – the earlier you take action, the greater effortlessly you can easily avoid or treat any unwelcome problems of unsafe sex…

Intimately sent infections

You should get tested straight away if you experience symptoms after unprotected sex.

Common STI signs for females

  • Unexplained bleeding
  • Soreness during or after intercourse
  • Soreness whenever you pee
  • Uncommon release
  • Irritation around the genital area or anus
  • Sores or rashes around the genital area or anal area

Typical STI signs for males

  • Bleeding
  • Discharge from the penis
  • Soreness during ejaculation
  • Tenderness within the testicles
  • Rashes or sores across the genitals or rectum

You should get yourself checked for STIs, or talk to your GP if you are experiencing these sorts of symptoms. They might never be the consequence of an infection that is sexually transmitted but could indicate other health issues.

Also that you have contracted an STI if you are experiencing no symptoms at all, you should still get checked if there is any chance. It's estimated that 50% of males and 70-80% of females with chlamydia, for example, try not to experience any outward symptoms.

It’s extremely essential to have tested for STIs simply because they could form serious problems. Read more